Become a part of something new!

Zoodiker is both a research project and a market research resource for the film industry.

Grow your industry knowledge.

How It Works

  1. Sign up to Zoodiker

  2. Keep an eye out for emails with new scripts

  3. Read & fill out our follow up form

  4. Get paid!

At Zoodiker, we entrust our readers with highly sensitive material and ask you comply with our code of conduct to protect the filmmakers and Zoodiker’s data.

Reading Rules

  • Only read from one username (attempts to read from multiple accounts will terminate your Zoodiker membership)

  • No 3rd Party platforms for reading, it is imperative you read on Zoodiker.

  • By agreeing to read, you’ve entered into a confidentiality agreement (see terms of service). All material read on Zoodiker is proprietary and not to be shared or discussed.


  • You read on our secure platform, using your unique login. The platform is accessible through any web browser and displays only one page at a time. To turn the page, you click one of the response buttons on the bottom right as you scroll to the bottom of the page. There's also a comment box. 

  • We do not sell or share your personal information, except as aggregated, de-identified data about your demographics and script responses. 

  • No. We want our readers to be representative of the future audience for the film or series. Some experience in reading screenplays is helpful, but it is easy to learn the basic jargon and abbreviations that are peculiar to screenplays.  There are many online resources, but here is one description:

    How To Read a Screenplay

  • Your honest responses to the readings are crucial to the validity of our studies. If you can’t bear to continue reading because you are bored or angered by the material, then stop, just as you would click away from a streamed show or walk out of a theater. But in order to be compensated for your reading, you need to read enough to have an informed opinion and also communicate why you have that reaction.

  • We pay an honorarium (currently $20 for a feature film-length script) like other market research firms. It is not what professional script readers are paid, but we are not asking for professional analyses or synopses. Readers must fill out a demographic intake form, actually read the script (we can tell if you’re skimming) and complete a questionnaire in order to qualify for payment. 

  • Payment will be sent via our 3rd party platform, Tremendous. You will receive notice of payment via the email address you submitted on your intake form, so check your Spam/Junk folder after a few days if you read and reviewed the script per the rules. Please allow 3-4 days after completing your reading and follow-up survey for payment to process. 

  • We hope to provide consistent reading opportunities. For now, scripts are becoming available every few weeks. We hope to increase this pace.

  • No. We allow our readers to post their own writing to share with our reader community in “Public Scripts”, but only scripts assigned to you in your "Scripts for Payment" section are for payment. 

  • If you have issues or questions about the app, email and we will respond as quickly as possible.